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Why do this fellowship?

I've found career planning to be scary and sometimes overwhelming, and I've always wanted some structure/ direction and accountability in my career planning, so that's why I'm running (and participating in) this fellowship, and I hope you can benefit from it too!


Who is this fellowship for?

This is intended for people who already have a thorough grounding in the basic ideas of Effective Altruism, so I'm hoping most applicants will have completed the Arete fellowship (or equivalent). 

Don't worry, you don't need a concrete career plan to apply (I definitely don't have one!), 


How does the fellowship work?

The fellowship is 5 weeks, (starting w/c 20th May) of:

  • 1.5 hour discussion groups, guided by me (Alex Vellins)

    • During the session, we'll fill out this template for further accountability

  • An expected 1-1.5 hours of preparation before each session, consisting of:

  • Followed by a call from with me around 4 weeks later

More info and the syllabus is here




I (Alex Vellins) am coordinating and facilitating this fellowship, so if you have any questions please reach out to me on or WhatsApp 07572678297



Check out the syllabus here!

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